Are you or do you know a disabled person who is in a senior role, paid or unpaid? RADAR is researching into disabled people who are high flyers. Check out the text below which was sent to me as an email. Please let others know about this, it's a good piece of work.
An invitation from Baroness Campbell of Surbiton DBE & Roger Berry MP to participate in RADAR's research project on high-flyers
We would like to ask for a few minutes of your time to complete a RADAR online survey, which will identify factors enabling high-flyers living with ill-health, injury or disability get into & succeed in senior roles.
By sharing your experiences you can influence the behaviour of major employers, help others to climb the ladder to success and ensure that disabled people can make a full contribution to British society and the economy.
Please complete the online questionnaire at:
This is an unresearched issue and you can really make a difference by taking the short time needed to complete this questionnaire. The result of this research will be a report summarising our findings and exploring what individuals and organisations can do to enable people to thrive and progress in their chosen field.
If you would value networking opportunities or other career support this is an opportunity to tell us how to provide it.
Please do forward this email to anyone else you know who might contribute to this research, or might know someone who could. We'd like to reach as many people as possible, including those who may not identify as disabled.
Thank you,
Baroness Campbell of Surbiton DBE,
Roger Berry MP
Co-Chairs of the All Party Parliamentary Disability Group
Survey deadline The survey should take 5-8 minutes to complete - and your deadline is 6pm, Wednesday 15th July 2009.
Radar People of the Year Awards 2009
RADAR will soon open nominations for the People of the Year Awards 2009. To nominate your organisation for the Public Sector Award, please visit this link on the RADAR website.