Sunday 29 September 2013

Jam making

My friend Pete invited me brambling or blackberrying with him today. We went down by the river and picked a load of blackberries. I got stung and cut and had to disturb a few spiders but I came back with around 300g of fruit! 

I decided to make apple and blackberry jam. Below you can see the blackberries being heated in a pan. 

Here's a picture of the actual jam bubbling away. I think I'm getting the hang of jam making, after making marmalade and chilli jam this year. 

I ended up with 4 jars with free blackberries and £1 worth of cooking apples and £1.50 for sugar. What a bargain! 

Sunday 8 September 2013

Catch up

Well I got to Ipswich fine and we had a great event. Since then I've been busy at work and at home. Last weekend I helped my parents look after my nieces. There's a photo below of the cakes my nieces baked with me and decorated.

I'm not feeling too well this weekend but managed to sort through a load of my clothes. I've lost a stone in the last few months so decided to sort through what fits me now and what is too big. I'm glad I sorted through my clothes, but it took a long while!