Thursday 20 March 2014

A poem a day - 77 and 78


Fuzzy Velcro mind 
Thoughts sticking and knitting close
Forming bright new dreams


Budget day blues

I hated the budget when I was wee
It totally messed up children's TV
All kids programmes would be cancelled for a day
So Nigel Lawson could chunter away 
About tax on tobacco and tax on beer
None of which filled my parents with cheer
Now I'm grown up the budget still fills me with rage
Same old politicians strutting about on their stage
Doing nothing to help those who are in real need
Just pushing an agenda of selfishness and greed. 

Monday 17 March 2014

A Poem a day - day 69 to 76


Ruby force of life
Blooms brightly out from my palm:
Freed by accident 



Slow train crawl, then trundles to a halt 
Hemmed in on either side, by
Bright graffiti sprayed walls
Above us insipid sky


Train rockets along at speed
Through pastel spring sunset
Taking weary travellers home 
To replenishment and rest. 


Hidden from view
Silently churning the fog
Hated by some 
But today there is no view
For the turbines to interrupt
I love theses space age wind mills
Elegant aliens milling electricity 
No longer wheat. 


Tendrils of mist lift skywards
Like these minutes spinning away from me
As I sit in this conference room,
Through the gauze covered windows
The sky clarifies and solidifies 
As the sun sucks up the fog
But in here our thoughts remain opaque
Rubbed smooth and blurred
By the presentations, key note address
And a feedback session stretching on forever. 

At lunch time I escape 
To a day gleaming like new healed skin
There's a shininess and shimmer to the roundabout
That I sit by, sipping a latte
As drills gurgle from building sites 
London is in a hurry 
But the conference room I'll return to
Will gently snooze through the afternoon
Wrapped in the duvet of grey corporate fluff.


Grey cloud,
Papery sun
Glimpsed through mist
A day of soft edges
Slow moving thoughts
And stillness. 


Perched on the highest branch
Red feathers blazing in the sun
To me his song is a chilly lament 
A melancholy remembrance 
Of lonely long ago winters
Breathtakingly beautiful
But to other robins his vocal acrobatics
Are like a football hooligans chant
A thugs shouted taunts
A landowners growling threat
"You're not welcome round here!
Get off my land!
Stay away from my woman!" 


The edge of the flood plane

Sloping sunlight slices through the trees
Their dead leaves rattle, brittle fingers wagging
The land ahead of us has been churned by machine
Made ugly with tracks cut deep in grey mud
What was once verdant now looks desolate
Scrubbed empty by flood waters before the digger arrived. 


The empty house relaxes into its self
Walls creaking softly as the heating clucks,
In the kitchen the fridge grumbles 
And the clocks tick slightly out of time. 
I feel the space around me expand
As these quiet usually unnoticed sounds
Fill the space and flourish. 

Saturday 15 March 2014

First frappe of the year

Its so lovely and sunny today I've had my first frappe of the year with a mocha frappe from the Surfin Cafe in Biggleswade. Mmmm 

Sunday 9 March 2014

Garden 9th March 2014

Final crocusLumpy CatCrocusesPurple and organseCrocusKasumi cat
PrimrosesPansiesBear planterFlower potsMore potsRavaged crocus
Resting daffodilFoxglove growthNarcissusBorderPale crocusCrocus again
Kasumi and meerkatsClose up of crocus

Garden 9th March 2014, a set on Flickr.

I've been gardening today in the beautiful sunshine. Apparently it was 20C in London and Kent today. Felt about 18 today in Biggleswade though hotter in the sun. I was mainly planting primroses and pansies today and enjoying my crocuses. The cats as always wanted to help :-)

A poem a day - 64 to 68


Human League on my iPod
Zooming synth rockets me back
To my 80s childhood 
Endless yellow edged summers
Like the old photographs
Me in pastel dresses
With ribbons in my hair
deep snow drift winters
Always outside, all weathers
Climbing trees, riding bikes
Running everywhere 
Never time to walk
Time measured in seasons
Tadpole season, conker season
Term time and holidays
Piano practice and Sunday school
Seems so long ago and just like yesterday. 


"Old steam train passing"
The train driver told us
Over the PA
We craned our necks 
Expecting what?
Big shiny engine
Chugging out billowy clouds?
Sooty kerchiefed engineers 
Waving from the foot plate?
Dragons nesting in the fire
As more coal was furiously shovelled in?
Or just a rather small steam train
Followed by ornate carriage
Looking lonely on the track
As we rocketed past. 


Gathering in the night
The sky folds in on its self 
Revealing a planet
Hanging like a hot air balloon
Waiting, watching a never blinking eye
Of my alien nightmare
Recurring but shifting in nature
Always feeling the same
Wonder and terror in equal measure. 


A confection of blossom 
Frothing effortless fecundity
A smothering of bees
And the honey sweet scent drips
Bewitching passers by to stop
Admire your brazenness 
Take pictures of you against
Deep blue sky and marvel
At your delicate, 
Gone in a weekend beauty. 


I'm accompanied on my walk by
The larks tinkling feedback loop
Punctuated by the chirps and whistles
Of field birds unknown to me
Then out of nowhere the keen of a gull
Far from the sea but still speaking of it
Lifting my spirits like the white horse surf
Until a grumpy crow gets heavy 
With gruff growling caw caws
Seeing off the gull back to his sea, 
As I turn down the lane I enter garden-bird-land
The blackbird gossips and the bluetits giggle 
From roof tops and blossom trees
Gardens buzzing with bird talk and song
And deep in the hedge a wood pigeon grumbles
That it won't be long until the return of the swifts. 

Tuesday 4 March 2014

A poem a day - 62 and 63

Day 62


from soft 
winter beds
green fragile 
fronds feather
towards the light
papery petals 
soaked in 
newborn wetness 
violent lips 
dark mouths 
crying their arrival
demanding attention: 
Look at me! 

Day 63

My mind is like an attic 
An exciting attic of childhood adventures
Old chests brimming with costume,
Button boxes, a dress makers dummy
Draped in exotic cloth,
An old Hong Kong paper parasol 
Eclectic, well loved treasures 
I can simply wear or parade about in

But sometimes this attic feels like a hoarders den
Stuffed to the rafters with bus receipts 
Strewn carrier bags orange and blue
Filled with resentment and resignation
Empty crisp bags rattle with boredom 
I drown amongst the detritus of my life
Swamped in frustration

Worst of all is the nightmare attic
Cobwebs drift, corners shift with shadows
Dust chokes thick as smoke
Rats scurry startling me 
sharp teeth bright eyes
Gleaming through the gloom
As something creaks back and forth
Wheezing out of view. 

I'm trying to redevelop 
Revamp and renovate
Create a space I'm happy in
Full of light slanting 
Cutting through the dust
Turning what was once scary
Into golden shining motes
Cobweb corners into pristine patterns
Of fascination and wonder
Serenity and peace. 

Pancake day happiness

Today Jase made me scotch pancakes for pancake day. As I wasn't expecting them they were a lovely surprise. So I'm including them in my #100happydays challenge! 

Monday 3 March 2014

100 days of happiness challenge

So it's apparently "an internet craze" to take a photo of something that makes you happy every day for 100 days. I like a challenge and one that helps me seek out the positive in each day. I'll be posting my pictures to twitter but I'll also post some on my blog too. You can find out more and join in here

Anyway here's my positive happy picture for today and the story behind it:

It's a photo of some purple crocuses growing in a plastic pot in my garden. I'm also growing some crocuses in a lovely pottery bowl by my kitchen door but they aren't even in bud yet. I kept thinking - when are these crocuses going to flower? I hadn't even noticed that my plastic pot of crocuses at the back of the garden near the garage were in flower! I noticed them at last today! So the plastic pot is now in pride of place by the kitchen door!



Sunday 2 March 2014

A poem a day - Day 61

Stormy Night

Scrabble of rain drops on glass
As the night wraps our house 
And all those around us 
In its glistening blackness
Like polished obsidian.  

Our town's lights glimmer
Through this boisterous night
A welcome sight for travellers 
Creeping along the great north road
As they've done since Roman times. 
Roads are slick, paths treacherous
This is a night for highwaymen phantoms 
Ghostly horses with headless riders
And spooky tales by firelight
To thrill and reassure.

So settle in for the evening 
With cat purring on your lap
And tell tall tales 'til bed time,
Then tuck yourself in
for a long dream filled night! 

Saturday 1 March 2014

A poem a day -

Day 57

Sun light blanches my view
Turns scrubby Bedfordshire fields
Into a savannah of beige and tan
Exotic, but the only lions are our pet cats.

Last night when an icy darkness
Slunk over this land, we heard foxes calling 
To one another back and forth 
These aren't urban foxes scavenging by bins
These are mysterious sleek coated creatures
Wary and wily hunting for rabbit and hare.

Day 58

Golden stars bobbing
Amongst slender green daggers, 
Big brutal, spring blooms. 

Day 59

It takes a little while for my eyes to adjust 
And for my ears to get used to the night time
The faintest shush of distant traffic 
The reedy call of an unknown pond bird, 
My gaze is fixed on the north, then
A rolling ribbon of light unravels along the horizon
No real colour to it, just faintest yellowish, whitish, green
But as I spot the aurora borealis the fox sings out
As if greeting the northern lights, telling his mate of their arrival
She barks back excitedly until the whisper of an aurora is over.  

I've seen the northern lights twice before
In Yorkshire utterly unexpected 
We did not know what we saw! 
Then in Canada staged amidst mountains 
To a backdrop sequinned with stars
And a wandering comet 
I couldn't have asked for more!
Biting cold but warmed by whisky
Standing with my head thrown back 
Until my neck became sore with watching the lights
Weaving through the sky, wonder, mystery and delight! 

Day 60

The black dog

Blasted black dog
Bothering Churchill
Bothering me 
And 1 in 4 of us*
(*At some point in our lives)
Growling grizzly beast 
Slobbering with anxiety
Embodying depression 
Looming into view 
Even on the brightest of days
Worrying my thoughts like sheep 
Unwelcome companion 
Untrainable, feral  
Haunting hound of legend
Black shuck bounding 
Unstoppable into my life 
Savaging me and those I love.