Sunday 25 November 2012

Stir up Sunday adventures

Today is Stir Up Sunday. Called this because the words opening the 1549 book of Common Prayer for today are:

Stir up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people;

It was seen as a reminder to the cooks and the good wives of the villages and towns to get making the Christmas pudding. Although I'm not religious I do love that old language of the Common Book of Prayer and the St James bible. The language is so dramatic, mysterious and poetic. It makes me think of the poem by John Donne "Batter my heat three person God" one of my all time favourite poems:

Batter my heart, three-person'd God, for you
As yet but knock, breathe, shine, and seek to mend;
That I may rise and stand, o'erthrow me, and bend
Your force to break, blow, burn, and make me new.
I, like an usurp'd town to another due,
Labor to admit you, but oh, to no end;
Reason, your viceroy in me, me should defend,
But is captiv'd, and proves weak or untrue.
Yet dearly I love you, and would be lov'd fain,
But am betroth'd unto your enemy;
Divorce me, untie or break that knot again,
Take me to you, imprison me, for I,
Except you enthrall me, never shall be free,
Nor ever chaste, except you ravish me

Any way enough of religious poetry. As it is stir up Sunday I decided to make a proper Christmas cake. I've never made one before, in fact I've never made a traditional fruit cake before. So the preparations started last night as you can see below:

Mixed fruit steeped in Courvoisier 
 I got all the mixed fruit, sultanas, raisins, currents, peel, glace cherries and apricots together then steeped them in some brandy. The bowl was then covered and left over night.

Mixing the cake was fairly straight forward like making any cake apart from the fact that their were so many ingredients. I used Nigella's Traditional Christmas Cake recipe as she has a very helpful conversion table for measurements relating to different cake tine sizes and shapes. I'm afraid I can't link to it as it's copyrighted so not on the web, but it's in her Domestic Goddess book and the one I use Feast.
Ingredients mixed ready to go into the tin
It was hard going folding in the flour and fruit towards the end as the mixture was so full of goodies!
Double lined tin, expert work by Jason
Jason lined the tin for me with double thickness baking parchment, the double thickness and tall sides help prevent the edge of the cake blackening and drying out. There is no way I would be able to line the cake tin like that!
Mixture in the tin ready to go into the oven
So the mixture goes into the tin and into the oven for 3 hours at least at a lowish heat (130C in my fan assisted oven). I tested mine at 3 hours and then gave it an extra 10 minutes. Here it is fresh out of the oven.

Fresh out of the oven

That isn't the end of it though! I then had to wrap it in double thickness of silver foil and leave it. As I type this it is steaming nicely as it cools, this prevents the top of the cake drying out.

Wrapped in silver foil
So now I just wait for it to cool, then wrap it up again and store it in a air tight container for at least 3 weeks before icing it. That means I'll probably ice it the weekend before Christmas as that is 4 weeks from now.

Of course I shall post up a photo of the cake when it emerges from its silver foil cocoon and once I've iced it! 

Saturday 3 November 2012

A day in the life part 5: fireworks & cake!

My last entry of the day. After making the 2 cakes we packed up the lemon drizzle and headed round to Alice & Jon's. We had a lovely dinner there and then went out info the freezing cold night to set off fireworks. Or "do fireworks" as 4 1/2 year old Amelia put it. We had a fabulous time and once the excitement was over we played a time travelling / alternate history card game!

Below you can see some photos of the fire works, the garden chimney fire and my lemon drizzle cake. The other cake pictured is a traditional Scottish ginger bread loaf. It's made to a recipe from Jason's family. It's the first time I've tried it and Jason was really impressed! I was so pleased to do the recipe justice!

I've just finished packing for my trip up to Doncaster tomorrow so I'm done in and ready for bed now!

I'll post the ginger bread loaf recipe ASAP!

A day in the life part 4: cats

Whilst Jase wasn't helping me bake, he was kept very busy: please see below!

The cats certainly know how to keep Jason busy, responding to their every whim!

A day in the life part 3: bakimg

So this afternoon I've been baking. Below you'll see the semi finished lemon drizzle cake. It's been drizzled and is waiting to cool. Then I can drizzle some orange icing on it to make it a St Clements drizzle cake!

In the pan frothing is the start of the Scottish gingerbread loaf. It's in the oven now. I've over filled the tin with it so I'm not sure how it will expand!

Whilst baking I've been listening to Radio 2 - I am getting old! I usually listen to 6 Music but it's not as good at the weekends. IMHO!

A day in the life part 2

Biggleswade was manic full of people wrapped up warm against the elements. The shops & coffee shops were full of Hallowe'en, bonfire night & Christmas displays. All very colourful.

I bought ribbon and elastic from the wool stall - even something for a Christmas present project. All came to £2.59 - cheap Christmas presents indeed!

ASDA was hideous, huge queues at the tills & no icing sugar! But I got some from Spar & a taxi home.

Got home and took out the washing pictured below. I'd bought a game for Jase - the latest Prof Layton game for the DS. I said he could have it as an early wedding anniversary present. That prompted him to give me my anniversary present early. Our first anniversary is paper so Jase got me something fabulous. A kindle paper white! It's the latest kindle with a much cleats screen and built in front light!

The most accessible kindle yet for me! It's fabulous with a jolly honey yellow case. I'm a very lucky wife.

Now it's time to bake!

A day in the life

I've not blogged much lately so I've decided to blog through out the day today. This should kick start my blogging again! I'm going to use photos a lot.

I woke up at 9 then took ages over breakfast which is pictured below once I'd finished it. Kasumi the cat joined me at the table as you can see. I also wrote on my mental health blog about coming off my anti depressants and took a photo of my lovely Christmas cactus! It's flowering early for Hallowe'en and bonfire night this year.

I also chatted on twitter to a few people. But I've got to get moving now as have a lot to do today.

Jason is making me laugh now so I better go. I'll blog again in a couple of hours!