Thursday, 25 March 2010

The future

After the excitement of my big decision to resign from my job last week I felt quite exhausted earlier this week, but not unhappy and still very relieved. Now things are getting quite exciting for me.

I have nearly completed my "mad writing course" aka the mental health education recovery course, Telling My Story. In two weeks time I should be reading out a piece of writing about "my story" at the final session of the course. I will then post my piece of writing on here for everyone to read, and hopefully enjoy. I have already started my final piece and I have a theme and rough structure for the piece, which is a good start. I have to thank Starbucks for their superb coffee, great views of London and in particular Wimbledon, for giving me the space to write! I was really stuck until last Friday when I spent a couple of hours writing in Starbucks whilst a rain soaked world rushed past.

I'm also making progress with developing a new website with the expert help of Jase. This is for when I go freelance but I want the site to be more than just an advert and cv for me. I'll keep you informed of developments when they are nearer completion but I have a name for my "company" I thought Natalie Salmon Consulting was a bit dull, and I have acquired the domain names for my website with Jase's expert help and support. All very exciting just watch this space!

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