Sunday, 7 June 2009

Sarah Waters: The Little Stranger

I haven't been too well again this week, this time with a migraine. I have to cut out chocolate, cheese and cut down on fatty dairy rich food like custard slices! (Not that I at that many custard slices)

I managed to finish The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters on Friday night and below is a review I posted on Facebook

Sarah Waters is such a fabulous story teller. This is a different tale to her others, kind of half way between the Night Watch and Affinity. I can see why some readers have felt disappointed in some way. It's not as exciting or thrilling as say Finger Smith but it is a haunting, absorbing tale of a country, society and family coming to terms with huge upheavals and the after shock of war.

Sarah Waters loves to play with narrative conventions and styles and this time it is a subtle undermining of the "trustworthy narrator" common to most ghost stories old and new.

I did think that the ending was a little rushed - but I wonder if that was because I was rushing to finish it, to find out if my suspicions were right. But nothing can take away from the fact that this was an excellent, intelligent entertaining read that I would recommend to anyone

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