Monday, 23 February 2009

Ridiculous attitude of the week

I am used to the news being full of people spouting ridiculous opinions and I am also used to certain aspects of the media promoting and legitimizing the views of bigots. However when I first read the story linked here I thought it was a joke. Apparently parents have expressed concerns to the BBC and have even called for the removal of a CBBC TV presenter (that’s kids TV on a Kids TV channel) because wait for it .... she only has one arm! According to these anguished parents she could scare the kiddie winks and give them nightmares.

Well this is my nightmare - where disabled people are locked away because we “scare” people, make people feel awkward or because some people don’t like the way we look because we look different to them. This was a reality 40 years ago and I thought this “nightmare” was about to be consigned to the past, It seems not.

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