Jason and I saw the new year in with a lovely glass of wine at a hotel in London. We were escaping our neighbours new year's eve karaoke party. Before seeing new year in though we went to see Bill Bailey's Tinselworm show. The show was great and Bill Bailey's five year old son stole the show with his James Blunt joke.
I don't feel like it is new year until I have seen the BBC's 3 minute summing up of new year across the globe so there is a link to it here.
I'm not a big fan of new year as a concept - it all seems a bit arbitrary - today is no different than yesterday or the day before that or a week and a day from today, but I'm not as bah humbug about it as I used to be.
I'd just like to wish anyone who reads this a very peaceful and joyful 2009!
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